Purchase property through a Self-Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF)

With a Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF) you can take control and invest your super into property.

Many Australians say they would like to invest their hard earned savings in property rather than other more volatile assets like shares. That’s not surprising when property investment continues to generate steady capital growth and passive income.

Despite that fact most Australian’s have the majority of their superannuation invested in shares. A Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF) allows you to take control of your superannuation and invest in property or other asset classes that you prefer, understand and can control.

SMSF’s also have the option of borrowing to invest into property. The lending structure is complex and the number of lenders that can assist are limited so it’s wise to talk with a professional advisor that has had years of experience arranging these loans.

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The Benefits of a Self-Managed Super Funds

31.8% of all superannuation funds are with SMSFs.

For many Australians, SMSFs offer these benefits:

  • More control
  • Greater flexibility
  • Usually lower fees than industry and retail funds
  • Usually better performance.

With an SMSF, you can choose where your retirement savings go, with options including listed shares, bonds and direct property.

This flexibility gives you the ability to manage your investments. With a hands-on approach, you can quickly adjust your portfolios as the markets change.

How an SMSF could benefit you

Generally speaking, SMSF members pay lower fees and enjoy better performance than other super funds.

Depending on your individual situation, the advantages of an SMSF may include:

  • greater flexibility in investment choices and asset selection
  • control over your total investment portfolio, with the ability to take account of the risk profile of all your assets
  • maximum flexibility in establishing and managing pensions, including retirement and term allocated pensions
  • greater flexibility for accessing Centrelink benefits such as the age pension
  • tailored tax management
  • investing indirect property
  • the ability to transfer personally owned listed shares, business real property and managed funds directly into your superannuation fund, and
  • the ability to own business property

How we can help

We can help you find and secure a competitive loan option from over 50 lenders.

Contact our team for more information or to schedule an appointment.

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